What is a Dromaelocera?

Dromaelocera (drome-aye-low-sarah), or “Drommies” for short, are a raptor-like alien species that exist on the planet Valdez.
They are an OPEN species! Feel free to make one!

Although most of the planet is covered in lush oceans and sparse high cliffs, there is also one more notable area in the world.

Millions of years ago, the planet looked very different. It was a mostly earth-like planet and life was far more varied. But then one day a large meteor crashed into the planet, setting off a chain reaction.

Valdez is a mid-large sized planet that is mostly covered in water. The deep oceans reach fathoms uncomprehensive to humans. Most of these oceans are warmer waters due to the high underwater volcanic activity of the planet. Leading to very lush flora and vibrant coral reefs. Most of the fauna of the planet has adapted to life underwater. Millions of species of fish and other aquatic life make up the majority of the biomass on the planet. Though among them are a few dominant species, such as the Dromaelocera.

The meteor struck the planet and caused a massive worldwide flood to drown most of the landmass. It also activated all the dormant volcanoes near the landing zone, resulting in a large volcanic area to explode and burn. The fallout of this created a large active lava zone on the planet that is still erupting and burning to this day. The intense heat and magma made this area and the surrounding waters completely unlivable for any species.

Species Information



Dromaelocera mostly resemble raptors. They stand upright on two legs with a slightly forward leaning posture. The long tail helps support their balance and also allows them to swim in the water more efficiently. The legs sport only two toes with webbing in-between them. They have 2 fingers and an opposable thumb on their hands, and these too are also webbed for added swimming speed and control. But the most recognizable feature of a Dromaelocera is the butterfly like frills on their bodies. Often seen on the tip of the tail, hips, forearms, and head. They also sport two long tendrils on their heads, two eyes, and three unique gemstones on their foreheads.

They are usually patterned similar to Earth butterflies, but can also be inspired by moths and other flying insects! Get creative!


The eyes of a Drommie will ALWAYS be a solid color. The iris can sometimes be a lighter or darker color than the sclera, but they will still always be the same shade. The pupils are most commonly white and reflective to all light, but rarely the pupil can be black.

They have phenomenal night vision as well.


Drommies have very sharp teeth, designed to catch and hold fish. They are mostly carnivorous, but are able to eat fruits as well. The inside of their flesh often mirrors the color of their eyes.

Their gills are located just behind their head frills. These allow them to breathe underwater, as well as filter polluted air when above the surface.

Dromaelocera actually have 2 sets of lungs. One set is dedicated to specifically filtering oxygenated water so they can breath underwater. And the other set is small, located above their swim lungs. These smaller ones are what allow them to breathe above water, though for not for extended times.


The skin/scales of a Dromaelocera are very smooth and flat. They are highly adapted to live in the water, so their bodies are very sleek. The scales have a somewhat shiny texture to them, and feel very smooth and somewhat waxy. The coating on them makes them very hydrophobic as well, so they don’t stay “wet” when they leave the water.

This not only helps them retain their body temperature better (as they are warm blooded) but it also enables them to glide using their larger frills if needed.


Drommies have 2 large raptor-like toes on their back legs. A stretchy semi translucent membrane connects the two toes and gives the Drommie added speed and control in the water.

Their hands have two long and dexterous fingers and an opposable thumb. Just like their feet, a membrane connects the fingers. They are advanced and intelligent enough to create and use tools, making their hands very vital to life.


All Dromaelocera will have 3 gemstones on their forehead.

These stones are present at birth and are very special to each Drommie. They will normally be the same color as their butterfly bits, but can also mirror the color of their eyes. The stones themselves essentially contain the Drommie’s soul. If they break or are removed from the creature it results in a zombie-like husk. They are still alive in a sense, but are completely devoid of all intelligence and ability to reason.

The gems themselves can be any shape, but round or oval are the most common.


Aside from their ability to breathe underwater, Drommies have one more special ability. They are able to focus a blast of solid light that manifests as a powerful beam attack. It makes a concussive sound that is so loud it can stun and deafen at close range. This ability isn’t used often though, as it comes at a great cost.

In order to expel such potent energy the Dromaelocera has to fuel the blast with their life mana. The mana does regenerate over time, but not nearly fast enough for them to use this ability over and over again.

It can only be used a max of 3 times per day before it starts draining their life force itself.

The color of the beam usually corresponds to the color of the gems.


There exists a sub-species of Dromaelocera called an “Elite”. Despite this name, Elites are actually a genetic mutation. Their forearm frills grow 10x larger than they should, resulting in wing-like appendages. While they cannot fly with these, they are capable of gliding along the air currents that circulate their planet for long periods of time.

Elites also tend to swim slower, as the large frills cause a lot of drag in the water.

They are a VERY RARE mutation, and do not occur often within the population.

Gender Differences:

There is a very minor difference between males and females.

Female Dromaelocera will have larger and more pronounced head tendrils and eyebrow plating. They may also have more feminine body shapes, though this isn’t a requirement.

Can they be non binary, trans, or intersex?

Yes! They are somewhat similar to frogs and salamanders, in the sense that they can change their gender as needed to suit themselves.

I wanna make one! What do I do?

I’ve got just the thing for you!
I have two free ref sheet bases of the older feral design, and the newer 3 sided anthro ref. (I also have the more detailed PSD files for these available in my webstore)

What about a 3D model?

I have a vr chat model edit available for sale!

This model edit is available on my webstore, though it does require you to also own the Forge Raptor by Dragon’s Forge.

The model package comes with the Dromaelocera unity package, Substance Painter file for easy editing, and toggle for the Elite wings. Super easy to customize in game with slider blendshapes and a hue slider as well!

Wanna try it before you buy it? Check out the public version!


Can I make a fursuit of a Drommie?


You are absolutely allowed to make fursuits of them! I have actually made 2 so far that were both sold almost immediately after being listed!

I utilized the raptor mask to make them as it was easy to customize and lots of fun to paint. I used iridescent fabric on the frills, as well as glow in the dark and UV reactive paints to really give them the ol’ razzle dazzle!

If you make one, show me! I’d love to see!