~~~ Stellar the Dutchie ~~~

Stellar the Dutch Angel Dragon.png


Stellar was designed by me in late 2019 for my sister @DaringashiaKS who wanted a fursona after I had made and fallen in love with Winza.


When creating Stellar, my sister-Krista- wanted her to look similar enough to Winza that people could tell they were related. I designed the ref above to represent that, while also incorporating her time spent in the realm of Abyss.

My sister struggled with episodes of depression, and wanted that reflected in her design. Hence the creeping fingers of black that started to overtake her normally solid white and blue body.

“The longer a dutch angel dragon stays in Abyss, the more their body is corrupted and their colors darken.”

Upon making Stellar’s head, the weight was the first issue I ran into.

Because of her massive horns and ears, Stellar weighs close to 12 pounds. Which doesn’t seem like that much, but for a fursuit head that is ludicrously heavy.
She was also lined with fleece- which was a massive heat mistake. My sister overheated in her head within 20 minutes of wearing her.

Sadly due to her weight, and personal issues, she was only ever worn 2 or 3 times total. She has since sat on my shelf, reminding me every day of the failure that she was… Which is discouraging to say the least…

She also has a set of paws I made for her, that when I look at them now- are probably some of the grossest paws I have ever made in my life.

Stellar 2.0.png

Future upgrades

Making a fursuit with this level of detail is no small feat, and due to her financial situation, I know my sister can’t pay out of pocket for her suit.

Seeing as I failed her first head so badly that it could barely be worn, I will be remaking the head entirely for free. Along with the new paws to replace the choppy old ones she currently has. But the rest of her bodysuit, feet, and tail will be her financial responsibility.

Since she isn’t able to afford it as a normal commission, and she is one of the closest family members I have, she has agreed to work for it.
Planning to purchase the materials herself, and help out whenever I ask her to.

this will be updated as more information is added

REDESIGN & plans

Recently I went and redesigned Stellar to have a more functional design.
By updating her like this, she looks much more plausible as a suit, and it improves upon her problem areas.

With this rework, I do plan to make my sister a fullsuit, and a new head for her, in time. She isn’t the smallest person, so this will likely be my first time making a character for a plus-sized person as well.


For her birthday in 2020, I created a set of very large, unique wings for Stellar. Their quality is far greater than her old head, and even glow under blacklight!
